Top 7 things I learned from Disney movies:
It’s okay to steal from people if you think it’s noble – Robin Hood (I seriously won’t let my kids watch this. It’s socialism/communism)
- If a woman has a problem, the answer is usually a man – Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, and more
- If a woman is unconscious, it’s okay to make advances at her – Sleeping Beauty
- You don’t need to grow up. Just pretend to be young forever because it’s more fun that way – Peter Pan (won’t let my kids watch this either. It’s the problem with half the people in their 20’s today)
- It’s a curse to not be attractive – Beauty and the Beast
- Guys who chase you for theft must be bad – Aladdin (see a Disney theme emerging?)
- You can make fun of someone for being different, until it can be exploited – Dumbo
It’s interesting when you look at Disney movies from the other side…