Once again, why I want to be Ron Swanson.
I don’t know how to stress any more highly that this is one of the greatest ideas ever!
Please, for the love of all that is good, please read this before you send out mass emails (that includes facebook messages). This is more…
Having a crowd isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Actually, it depends on the crowd. If you’re Charlie Sheen‘s crowd, you’ve got attention, and…
This was an awesome article today from Zen Habits. I highly recommend you go and read it now. If you’re like me, you do this…
I finally saw this yesterday. It is now my favorite graduation speech of all time.
Graduating college can be a little intimidating…especially if you don’t have a job lined up. Today I found an excellent article from Dave Ramsey about…
I absolutely despise this song, on multiple levels. However, this video was one of the funniest things I’ve seen in a while, so here it…