For most people college is probably worth it, though there’s always the people who don’t need it because of the career path they choose, or…
Category: Development
Relevant for personal development in leadership, skill growth, or other areas.
I didn’t really get a chance to mention it here, but recently I read “Thank You Economy” by Gary Vaynerchuk. Quick note – the book…
We can hold on to everything, and make everything a battle, or we can choose what’s really important, and let that begin to shape us…
*I am not getting paid by Sager to write this, talk about it, or anything else. I’m just bragging for them because they’re a great…
Dan Miller has a great post today about the educated unemployed. I recommend you just go read the article. It raises a couple of good…
Jared Erickson had an awesome post today about what the world would look like in 90 years…from a 1910 perspective. Apparently there was an artist…
This was one of the most fascinating things I’ve seen in a long time. This takes everything from computers to personal interaction to cell phone…
Okay, so most people know the story about this video now. Chick is at the mall, texting while walking, and falls into a fountain. I’m…